Carp!?!?! Those fish are trash! That is what I always hear, right after I tell them I fly fish for alot of carp. Their for some reason is a negative opinion about carp and also carp on the fly. I know where I grew up there was always carp and always this opinion of carp in my area. I was always told that carp are "trash fish, Bottom feeders" and they "eat bass eggs." Truth is carp have been here for years are extremely picky and eat a lot of different insects, and are now part of the river system. I hope to change people's opinion on fly fishing and carp in general. Mainly carp are considered bottom feeders and that they kill off or eat the eggs of "game fish" or "native fish" This opinion is not exactly true or correct. Some aspects of the opinion may be correct but are mostly a generalization.
I'm not here to get in a debate about carp, that would take all day! I'm cool with less people catching these bad ass fish and I also kinda like going against the grain.. All my family will know that. Just know that these fish are big, rip drag and are accessible all around the country and are not easy to catch but a whole lot of fun! If your interested and not a higher than thou trout snob, Haha just kidding I like all fish but just prefer the amazing carp. Just check out this video and you will know why carp are the link to see a bad ass carp short film to help you understand my passion for these golden bones.Carpology pt 1
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